Saturday, June 30, 2012

#zombie #ebook #free for only a few more hours!

The World of Dark and Light ebook is available for FREE for 24 hours over Sunday 1st July 2012. It will never be free again! Get it while you have the chance!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cut Scene! Removed from World of Dark and Light

Lost in the editing process, a short scene in which Victor breaks into De Vos's hotel room and discovers a Nazi file with his name written all over it.

I was sorry to lose this as it throws forward nicely to future instalments, but it had no reason to be there, so SNIP!

I found it hard not to have a look. It was quite a comprehensive biography, it even had photos. An 8 X 10 blow up of a picture of me and my old friend James Daninsky, a little drunk on the streets outside a Paris nightclub, a Photostat copy of someone’s family portrait containing my darling Louisa – which I stopped for a good few seconds to look at, reflectively.
There were other snippets of note: a newspaper cutting in Arabic recounting an eyewitness testament to having seen a Mummy on board a luxury cruise ship, a Sûreté police record about the suspicious suicide of a Count, a post-mortem report on an Oxford student totally drained of blood…
It was not a happy or flattering experience to see ones life boiled down to a few pages and prints, especially as the key moments of note all had all seemed to have had such unpleasant connotations for me.
I closed the docket, and re-wound the green string to lock it closed. It felt strangely satisfying to shut the file on my own life.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Fool - For Free 11th-15th June!

My short story, The Fool is now FREE on Amazon, and will continue to be free of charge until the end of this week.
The Fool - Amazon UK
The Fool Amazon US
Thanks to all who have already downloaded - Enjoy.

Friday, June 08, 2012

The Fool - For Free 11th-15th June!

Just a heads up that between 11th and 15 June 2012, the short story "The Fool" will be available totally free of charge. Dependent on how successful this move is, more content may be made available gratis...

The Fool (
The Fool (

Can the future be foretold?
That is a question Victor Nelson, paranormal investigator and gentleman adventurer must answer on a rainy London afternoon. General Eric Winters certainly thinks it can, but his supposed foreknowledge has led to some terrible outcomes on the Western Front. But are the stars to blame, or the Astrologer who cast the horoscope? Or is there even more to this than meets the eye?

A self-contained short story in its own right, The Fool is also a taster for the other books in the Victor Nelson Adventures series.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Monday, June 04, 2012

The Fool - Available now

A (very) short story is now available in the Kindle Store. I had hoped to make this available for free but it seems I'm unable to do this.

The Fool (Victor Nelson Adventures)

Can the future be foretold?
That is a question Victor Nelson, paranormal investigator and gentleman adventurer must answer on a rainy London afternoon. General Eric Winters certainly thinks it can, but his supposed foreknowledge has led to some terrible outcomes on the Western Front. But are the stars to blame, or the Astrologer who cast the horoscope? Or is there even more to this than meets the eye?

A self-contained short story in its own right, The Fool is also a taster for the other books in the Victor Nelson Adventures series.